Although responsibility and authority for appointing new program directors rest with the Chair, the ACGME requires that the institution's Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) approve the appointment of program directors.
Approved 9/30/24, Mass General Brigham GMEC
Approved 9/30/05, Mass General Brigham Education Committee; Revised 10/2012
Guidelines for ACGME-accredited and non-ACGME programs
All requests for complement changes must describe the Educational Rationale, Resources, and an Implementation Plan, as detailed below. Requests should be submitted as a Word document to the GME Director assigned to the specialty and accreditation manager.
Requests for permanent complement increase must also include a statement of support from the program director(s) of related specialty or subspecialty program(s) that may be impacted by the increase and the approval by the Department Chair(s)/Division Chief(s).
Provide a detailed explanation of the educational rationale for your request.
For example, additional trainee/s would:
* Be sure to include an explanation of why adding this new rotation/experience requires an expansion in the number of trainees.
If applicable, comment on physician workforce issues if there is a recognized need for more practitioners in this (sub)specialty Note: Programs often propose a complement increase with the reasoning that clinical service volume has increased. The education committees generally do not view this as a sufficient reason to approve an increase. There must be a clear rationale as to how the proposal improves education.
To justify an increased complement, you must show that you have the resources to support the education of an increased number of trainees without any negative impact on the current trainee/s in your program, or trainee/s in related (sub)specialty GME programs (please submit a statement of support from the program director(s) of a related (sub)specialty program(s) that may be impacted by the increase).
Please comment on such factors as:
** For any additional FTEs to be supported by hospital or departmental funds, please submit documentation of approval by both the Department Vice President (VP) and the Department Chair. This can be in the form of a letter or email from the VP and the Chair confirming funding support. If the program is integrated across hospitals, approval from all institutional Department Chairs and Vice Presidents must be submitted.
Submit a proposed implementation plan for the total increase in trainee complement.
Please include the following:
Guidelines for contacting the GME Office regarding a trainee status change
The program director should contact the GME Office before putting a resident or clinical fellow on probation. Programs should also notify the New Innovations specialist and/or the Accreditation Manager in the GME Office when a resident or clinical fellow's status changes due to the circumstances described below.
The Vacation, Sick Time, and Leave Policy, which can be found on the Policies page, has details on each of the differing leaves.
The Leave of Absence Office can direct each program and trainee through the correct leave process and protocol.
The GME Director can provide the program with useful guidance and outline the process that needs to be followed prior to putting a resident on probation.
Programs should notify the GME Office in the event that a trainee's status changes from clinical training to a research year and when a trainee takes a leave of absence.
Guidelines for requesting additional participating sites or deleting an affiliate
Please provide the following information for GME Committee review prior to seeking RRC approval for the addition of participating site(s). The educational rationale for this request, the rotation schedule and description of the goals and objectives for the rotation, and discussion of financial support can be placed into one document. The approval by the Department Chair and the new Associate Director at the participating site can each be as brief as 1-2 sentences, and in the form of an email.
Please be sure to send your request electronically via email to the accreditation manager for your program for review by the education committee at least three weeks prior to the GMEC meeting at which you wish this request to be reviewed. The committee meeting dates are listed on the GME Calendar (login required).
Additional instances when program leadership should contact the GME Office
All matters regarding GME programs should first be referred to one of the GME Directors. Any program changes requiring ACGME approval should be submitted to the GME accreditation manager for their program for GMEC review and approval.
Programs must also contact the GME Director assigned to their specialty before considering the following:
The GME Directors, on behalf of the Mass General Brigham Graduate Medical Education Committee (MGB GMEC), oversee and must approve all applications for:
The Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) oversees and must approve required documentation prior to the program’s submission of the request to the Residency Review Committee (RRC). Programs will be required to submit completed documentation to the GME Office and be included on the GMEC agendas. The GMEC meeting schedule is located on the GME Calendar.