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Supplier/Vendor Information

Mass General Brigham values the services of our suppliers and vendors. We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in business practices. To create ethical and effective working relationships, we have established policies that govern our relationships with suppliers and other business partners / contractors.

Policies and guidelines

Mass General Brigham (formerly Partners HealthCare) (Customer) requires vendors/suppliers (Business) to perform certain background checks for Business employees assigned to work at a Mass General Brigham site for more than three weeks or who will have any access to Protected Health Information. In addition, temporary staff serving for any length of time must meet these requirements. The Business is expected to maintain documentation of adherence to these requirements and be able to demonstrate compliance, if requested. If a Business employee is unable to satisfactorily meet these requirements, Business must contact Customer in advance of the employee engaging in work for Mass General Brigham to determine next steps. Any/all communications containing personal information must be sent via Secure/Encrypted email.

Questions about these standards should be directed to Police & Security at:

Download the Background Check document for the details of this requirement.

Updated June 2022

Mass General Brigham requires that all vendor representatives, contractors, consultants, and temporary staff who will be working on-site at any Mass General Brigham facility be vaccinated for COVID-19 and the flu (if working during flu season, September 15-April 30).

In addition, vendor representatives, contractors, consultants, and temporary staff working on-site at a Mass General Brigham hospital or other health care facility for more than three weeks must also meet the Additional Infection Prevention Requirements. Download the Infection Prevention Standards document

Read the Infection Prevention Standards FAQs for Businesses

Updated December 2023

Mass General Brigham Incorporated has contracted with Green Security for vendor credentialing. Vendor representatives requiring access to patient care areas at most Mass General Brigham facilities must be registered and obtain a badge from Green Security in order to enter patient care/clinical areas.

Download the full On-site Badge and Credentialing document

December 2020

Insurance Obligations for Businesses Providing Goods & Services

This document describes the insurance obligations for businesses providing goods or services to Mass General Brigham and its Affiliates.

Download the full Insurance Obligations document

Updated January 2025

As a non-profit, Mass General Brigham takes its fiduciary responsibilities very seriously and this focus on reasonable cost containment applies to our vendor community. The following requirements apply to travel expenses being charged to Mass General Brigham and its affiliates:

  1. Any time spent by any employee of Business (“Business Employee”) or agents of Business commuting to and from their homes shall not count as time spent in providing any Services to Customer. Any additional time spent by a Business Employee or such agents traveling at the specific request of Customer shall count as time spent in providing Services to Customer. Such time must be pre-approved in writing by Customer in advance and shall be subject to any maximum payment caps agreed upon by the parties for any particular defined project.
  2. Travel (airline, railroad, etc.) should always be in coach class, irrespective of trip length.
  3. Car rentals must be a standard/full vehicle class or lower unless a different class of car is documented as less expensive. Gas, tolls, insurance and parking fees for rental vehicles will also be reimbursed but not parking tickets, moving violations, etc. If a personal vehicle is being used, mileage will be reimbursed at the federal POV mileage rate (currently $.545/mile but updated annually) and tolls and parking fees will be reimbursed.
  4. Total meals and incidental expenses cannot exceed the federal General Services Administration (GSA) rate set for the region where the work will be performed (available at: On travel days the reimbursement will be 75% of the federal per diem for the region.
  5. Reasonable accommodations for a standard single room at a mid-range hotel will be reimbursed. Long term accommodations should be pursued whenever financially advantageous.
  6. Movie rentals, gym fees, dry cleaning, etc. are not reimbursable nor are phone call expenses not directly related to the project.
  7. For unusual situations or expenses, please contact your Mass General Brigham business contact for guidance. They may reference the Mass General Brigham Employee Travel Policy to provide additional detailed guidance. 
  8. Original receipts must be provided for reimbursement for hotel, car, and plane travel. Meals and incidentals will be paid at the federal per diem unless Customer requests otherwise.

Download the Travel Expense Requirements document

Updated December 2020

Supplier acknowledges that if invoices are not submitted in accordance with this section, Mass General Brigham (Customer) cannot guarantee the timely payment of fees.

Orders and invoices

Supplier shall submit invoice(s) for payments due hereunder upon receipt of Customer’s written approval of Services and/or Deliverables. To ensure timely, and correct payment, Supplier acknowledges and agrees to adhere to the following standard operating procedures for Order Receipt, Invoicing and resolution of non-payment. Failure to follow the below procedures may result in the delay of payment.

Order receipt

Orders from Mass General Brigham must be accompanied by a PO in standard Mass General Brigham format: A purchase order number should be a 11-character sequence that starts with the prefix “PO-“, followed by 8 digits.

Supplier must acknowledge and confirm all order detail within 24 hours of receipt.

EDI. Mass General Brigham’s preferred method for purchase order acknowledgements is via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) through GHX. If your organization is capable of this method, please contact

EMAIL. Order acknowledgements may be sent to


Standard payment terms for Customer are Net 45 days from the invoice date.

All invoices must contain, at minimum: the invoice number, invoice date, PO number and remit address.

Only 1 PO can be listed per invoice. No more than 1 invoice may be listed per page. Multiple invoices cannot be combined onto single pages.

Invoices shall not include interest or late payment charges.

Agreements, excel spreadsheets, statements, or anything other than an Invoice Copy in PDF or TIF image will not be accepted

Please submit only 1 copy of each invoice.

Invoicing Methods

EDI: Mass General Brigham’s preferred method of invoicing is via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). If your organization is capable of this method of invoice delivery, please contact

Mail: Mail invoices containing Purchase Order number on each page to:
Mass General Brigham Attn: Accounts Payable
399 Revolution Drive Suite 327 Somerville, MA 02145

Email: Invoices that are transmitted via email to: PHSPOINVOICE@PARTNERS.ORG must follow the below technical requirements.

  • Invoices MUST be submitted as attachments that are an unencrypted “.pdf” or “.tif” with a maximum bit depth of 24.
  • Attachments should contain invoices ONLY (please do not include cover pages, statements, agreements, etc.).
  • Purchase Order Number MUST be referenced and visible on each invoice.
  • Please limit one invoice to each PDF.

NOTE: When submitting an invoice with a “hand written” PO number, please be sure to use black ink only. Other colored ink does not scan well, and the PO number is often illegible.


Payment inquiries can be directed to Supply Chain Operations Support department at 617-726-2142.

Resolution of non / short payment

If Supplier becomes aware of any issue related to payment, Business shall contact Supply Chain Operations Support at 617-726-2142. While the parties are engaged in good faith business discussions intended to achieve a resolution to such issues, orders will not be held.

Suppliers must contact our Supply Chain Operations Support department at 617-726-2142 immediately once an invoice becomes past due or was determined to have been paid short.

All submissions to Supply Chain Operations Support require a ticket number, which can be obtained by calling 617-726-2142. A new ticket number is issued for each case/call. Once a ticket is obtained, invoices requiring resolution may be submitted via email to the provided address.

Submissions to Supply Chain Operations Support not accompanied by the correct ticket number for the invoices submitted will not be accepted.

Travel or other out-of-pocket expenses

Travel and other out of pocket expenses must comply with the Mass General Brigham Travel Expenses Requirements including documentation of actual expenses where required and a cap of travel and other costs not to exceed nine percent (9%) of total fees paid unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing.

Customer shall reimburse Supplier for reasonable expenses directly related to the Services, solely to the extent Customer has authorized such expenses in writing in advance.

Download the Invoicing Procedures document
Updated February 2025

Mass General Brigham expects vendors whose software or hardware will be used in our production environment to follow the IS Change Management Requirements.

Download the full Information Services Change Management document

December 2020

Mass General Brigham welcomes and supports its relationships with Suppliers and has many different ways in which it interacts with them. These relationships are essential in supporting Mass General Brigham’s mission of providing, promoting, and supporting high quality and leading-edge patient care, research, and medical education. At the same time, Mass General Brigham recognizes that these relationships may give rise to conflicts of interest which create a risk of introducing bias, or the appearance of bias, in how Mass General Brigham carries out its mission and its business operations. In order to manage this risk, Mass General Brigham has an extensive conflict of interest policy that address the concern about potential bias in all the different types of relationships that Mass General Brigham has with Suppliers.

A primary component of the Mass General Brigham conflict of interest policy that is relevant in the context of business contracts is a comprehensive ban on gifts from all Suppliers. This ban applies to all employees of Mass General Brigham, including all full-time and part-time employed physicians, and to other individuals when they are acting in a Mass General Brigham capacity. The definition of gifts prohibited by this policy includes many things Suppliers are accustomed to offering to their clients or customers; it covers meals, trips, tickets to sporting events, holiday baskets and even items of minimal value such as pens and coffee mugs. In addition to this Mass General Brigham standard, physicians and other prescribers are subject to particularly stringent state and federal requirements concerning acceptance of items or services from pharmaceutical or medical device vendors, and gifts from Suppliers may also violate anti-kickback laws.  

In addition to prohibiting gifts given directly to MGH-affiliated individuals, the Mass General Brigham gift policy prohibits gifts to a Mass General Brigham affiliated institution that are intended ultimately to be for the personal use or benefit of Mass General Brigham individuals – such as a gift to a Mass General Brigham department of food or support for a departmental meal for its members. 

As Suppliers of Mass General Brigham, we expect companies to be aware of and to follow this gift policy, and to inform their representatives of the policy and to ensure that their representatives also follow the policy.


All valid invoices should be mailed to:

Mass General Brigham 
Attn: Accounts Payable 
399 Revolution Drive Suite 327 
Somerville, MA 02145

Please contact Supply Chain Operations Support. Supplier can call (617) 726-2142. If you are an employee of Mass General Brigham, you may also open a Service Now ticket for your inquiry by using Service Now, under general requests, click on Supply Chain Operations Support.

Yes, Mass General Brigham is Tax Exempt. Please call Supply Chain Operations Support at (617) 726-2142 for more information.

Contact the department you've been working with to obtain the PO number.

Please ensure that all requested statements for Mass General Brigham Supply Chain Operations Support are in Microsoft Excel format and include the PO numbers, invoice numbers, total amount of invoices, and remaining amount due. Mass General Brigham will not pay off of statements and may request copies of outstanding invoices.

Please send all PO confirmations to

Please call Supply Chain Operations Support directly at (617) 726-2142 and provide any and all information necessary.

Please call Supply Chain Operations Support directly at (617) 726-2142 and provide any and all information necessary.

Supply Chain Management has a central Customer Service area that can answer all questions related to Accounts Payable. Please call Supply Chain Operations Support directly at (617) 726-2142 and provide any and all information necessary.

If your company owes funds to Mass General Brigham, please send a credit memo or refund check to the address below clearly specifying the information related to the refund.

Mass General Brigham
Attn: Accounts Payable
399 Revolution Drive Suite 327
Somerville, MA 02145

Please direct all product recall related information to the Supply Chain Management Recall Coordinator email at

Unless alternative arrangements are agreed to in writing, rebates must be paid within 45 days of the close of the relevant quarter.

Rebates should be paid by check (no wires or credit memos accepted) to this address:  

Rebate Administrator
Supply Chain Management
Mass General Brigham
399 Revolution Drive, Suite 310
Somerville, MA 02145-1446  

An electronic breakdown of the rebate (clarifying the purchases it relates to) should be delivered to when a check is mailed.

Supplier Guide

The Mass General Brigham Supplier Guide will assist suppliers in complying with our policies and understanding our procurement process. Check back soon to learn more about our supply chain policies, values, and frequently asked questions.