About medical records
Medical records include, but are not limited to a patient’s medical history, test results, office visit notes, discharge summary, and operative reports of treatments and medical services. The Medical Records Department can provide you with copies of your medical records related to care at a facility.
The medical records offices are not available for patient walk-in services. If you need to collect records in person, please contact us at 617-726-2361 for possible options.
Request patient medical records online
You can use Patient Gateway, our secure, online portal for your health information. Your health information is available to view, download, transmit, and print documents.
Once logged in, click on "Menu" at the top bar and then click "Request Records."
If you are not enrolled in Patient Gateway, simply go to patientgateway.massgeneralbrigham.org and click on "Enroll Now." Respond to the questions and click "Next" to complete the enrollment process.
Request patient medical records by mail or fax
1. Download the authorization form for the facility from which you are requesting records. If you received care at multiple facilities within Mass General Brigham (formerly Partners HealthCare) and would like your entire medical record, please use the Mass General Brigham/Partners HealthCare authorization form.
Authorization forms
Request medical records at our hospitals or practices
If you received care at the following hospitals or practices, please visit the respective website for information on how to obtain your medical record:
2. Complete the authorization form. Please complete the following required fields properly to process the request:
Patient’s full name (include maiden name, if applicable)
Address and telephone number
Email address
Date of birth
Medical record number, if available
Date of service
Provider name or facility or clinic name requesting records from
Identify the method for us to share the requested medical records by clearly indicating the mailing address, fax number, email address, or Patient Gateway (if available).
3. Sign and date the completed authorization form.
4. With all required information included, please fax or mail your request to:
Release of Information Fax: 617-726-3661
Mailing Address:
Mass General Brigham
Release of Information Unit
121 Inner Belt, Room 240
Somerville, MA 02143-4453
Do not e-mail this request. We cannot guarantee security of all Personally Identifiable Information included in the form if submitted via e-mail.
Note: In-person pickup is not available at this time. The medical records offices are closed indefinitely to patient walk-in services effective Thursday March 19, 2020 due to COVID-19.
Additional authorization may also be required for the release of specifically protected or privileged information. Certain information can take up to 30 days for processing.
For Release of Information questions, please call Customer Service at 617-726-2361.
For Audit-related questions, please call 857-282-8730 or fax 617-726-3025.