Genomic DNA extracted from blood or saliva are fragmented, adapter ligated, and barcoded. Library fragments are sequenced (2x150 base paired end) using Sequencing-By-Synthesis (SBS) chemistry and the Illumina NovaSeq sequencer with a minimum coverage of at least 20X for 90%. Sequence data are aligned to the GRCh38 assembly after discarding low quality sequences. Illumina's DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) platform is used for demultiplexing, read mapping, genome alignment, read sorting, duplicate marking, and variant calling. Technical sensitivity of this assay is 99.10% (95% CI: 99.04-99.16%) and the positive predictive value is 99.39% (95% CI: 99.37-99.41%). All disease-associated variants on the report are confirmed via Sanger sequencing or another orthogonal technology.
Variants are subsequently filtered to identify:
- Variants previously classified by our laboratory as pathogenic or likely pathogenic
- Variants classified as disease causing mutations in public databases that have a minor allele frequency less than 5.0% in the Genome Aggregation Database
- Nonsense, frameshift, and plus or minus 1,2 splice-site variants in disease-associated genes with a minor allele frequency ≤1.0% in gnomAD
- Curated established and likely risk alleles with an odds-ratio of at least 2-4
The evidence for disease-causality is then evaluated for each variant identified from the filtering strategies listed above and variants are classified based on ACMG/AMP criteria (Richards et al. 2015) with ClinGen rule specifications, or our internal framework for classification of risk alleles.
Variants are reported according to HGVS nomenclature. Only those variants with evidence for causing or contributing to disease are reported. All disease-associated variants on this report are confirmed via Sanger sequencing or another orthogonal technology. Please contact the laboratory for additional information.
PGx: Genotype calls for specific genomic positions are identified using the GATK (Genome Analysis ToolKit). Diplotype, phenotype, and drug information are generated using the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium (CPIC®), PharmGKB, and U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. The following pharmacogenomic variants are detected by this assay: ABCG2: rs2231142; CYP2C19: rs4244285, rs4986893, rs28399504, rs56337013, rs72552267, rs72558186, rs41291556, rs12248560, rs12769205, rs17884712, rs6413438; CYP2C9: rs1799853, rs1057910, rs28371686, rs9332131, rs7900194, rs28371685, rs72558187, rs9332239; CYP3A5: rs776746, rs10264272, rs41303343; CYP4F2: rs2108622; DPYD: rs3918290, rs55886062, rs67376798, rs72549309, rs115232898, rs1801266, rs78060119, rs56038477 (exomes only), rs72549303, rs1801268, rs75017182, rs146356975, rs112766203, rs186169810, rs72549304, rs59086055, rs55674432; IFNL3: rs12979860; NUDT15: rs116855232, rs746071566, rs777311140; SLCO1B1: rs4149056, rs59502379; TPMT: rs1800462, rs1800460, rs1142345, rs1800584, rs267607275, rs759836180, rs72552738; UGT1A1: rs4148323, rs35350960, rs3064744; VKORC1: rs9923231 (variant details). Additionally, variants in G6PD (176 variants, details available on request), RYR1, and CACNA1S associated with pharmacogenomic recommendations are reported, if identified.