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The MGH/BWH Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program at Mass General Brigham is a two-year program that offers two different tracks. 


The Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women's Hospital (MGH/BWH) Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program at Mass General Brigham is a three-year program that offers two different tracks:  

  • Full two-year track, open to physicians in any medical specialty

  • Integrated training experience (ITE) for fellows (non-pathology) wanting to combine a research year from another fellowship with their informatics training

  • Combined fellowship track, open to pathology-trained physicians only 

Please note that the two tracks have separate application processes and different deadlines. See the Apply section for more details.

All three tracks share four components: didactic education, informatics practicum, innovative scholarly projects, and clinical care. Fellows acquire the knowledge and skills to begin successful careers dedicated to analyzing, designing, implementing, optimizing, and evaluating information and communication systems that enhance individual and population health outcomes, improve health care delivery, and strengthen the clinician-patient relationship.

Projects are configured based on the interests and career goals of the individual fellows. Graduates will be prepared to lead health information technology strategy and implementation projects, advance the field’s knowledge base, and train the next generation.

After successfully completing the program, fellows will be eligible to take the Clinical Informatics Board Exam offered by the American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM) and American Board of Pathology (ABP). 

Didactic education

Participants will obtain fundamental knowledge and understanding of the following core content areas:

  • informatics fundamentals

  • clinical decision-making

  • care process improvement

  • health information systems

  • leadership and management of change

Didactic sessions will be provided through various Clinical Informatics lecture series featuring experts at Mass General Brigham and other Harvard-affiliated clinical informaticians.

Informatics practicum

A significant focus of the fellowship will be working on real clinical information system projects under the supervision of fellowship faculty with the aim of gaining the knowledge and skills to independently lead clinical systems implementation projects.

Innovation scholarly project

Fellows will complete an innovative scholarly project such as a systematic review, case report, or original research project. The project should be suitable for publication in the clinical informatics literature. 

Clinical care

Fellows are expected to incorporate some level of part-time medicine practice or exposure during the fellowship to maintain their clinical skills. Variations based on track are described below. 

Fellowship tracks  

The full two-year track is open to applicants from all medical specialties. With regard to clinical activities, fellows will have the opportunity to work as attending physicians in their clinical specialty at Mass General Brigham-affiliated sites to maintain their clinical skills, use the current clinical information systems, and gain respect of their colleagues. Moonlighting policies will be adhered to as defined by the ACGME. 

The Integrated Training Experience (ITE) is a two-year track open to fellows (non-pathology) who are currently in another fellowship at Mass General Brigham that includes at least one research year. If accepted into the Clinical Informatics fellowship program, and with approval from the American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM) and the other certifying board (if relevant), the fellow will be able to combine one research year from the other fellowship with one of the years of a Clinical Informatics fellowship.

The combined fellowship track is a two-year program in which the clinical informatics fellowship is combined with another one-year fellowship. This track is open to pathology trainees. Concurrent training with Clinical Informatics is allowed by the American Board of Pathology (ABP) and the ACGME, and a fellow successfully completing this track would qualify for dual certification in clinical informatics and another ACGME-accredited pathology subspecialty with only two years of training rather than three years.  The Clinical Informatics fellowship may also be combined with a non-ACGME accredited fellowship.

This pathway is designed for pathologists who are interested in applying informatics to a clinical laboratory or pathology specialty, especially if the candidate has done substantial training in informatics prior to or during residency. The second fellowship may be completed before or after the full year of informatics and must be done at Mass General Brigham. There is a close collaboration between the fellowships so that the fellows leave the program ready to apply both informatics and clinical leadership in a subspecialty laboratory or diagnostic group. Please note that a letter signed by program directors of both fellowships and approved by the ABP must be completed before the start of either fellowship.

Program scope  

  • To provide the trainee with a broad introduction to the breadth of the field of clinical informatics

  • To understand the current health IT landscape in terms of policy and incentives, and its role in advancing institutional missions

  • To familiarize trainees with fundamental tools and techniques used by informatics professionals to carry out informatics research and interventions

  • To introduce trainees to requirements for subspecialty certification as defined by the American Board of Preventative Medicine and American Board of Pathology

  • To prepare trainees to pursue a future career in clinical informatics

The trainee will be matched with a mentor from the faculty or informatics professional staff whose area of practice is similar to the trainee’s stated interests. The trainee will have the opportunity to shadow this mentor and observe day-to-day activities involved in an active informatics project. When possible, the mentor may assign the trainee tasks commensurate with his or her level of familiarity with the project content. 

The trainee will be required to attend seminars and didactic sessions offered by various Mass General Brigham entities and HMS. These may include weekly clinical informatics seminars offered by Mass General Brigham IS and biweekly seminars at the Center for Biomedical Informatics at Countway Library, as well as didactic sessions with current Clinical Informatics & Innovation fellows. The trainee will be provided with a schedule of required sessions at the beginning of the rotation. 

 The trainee will also be given the opportunity to meet with other faculty and staff on an informal basis to discuss their own work and career trajectories. The goal is to give the trainee a sense of the depth of the field and possibilities for future development. 

The trainee will be provided with a list of required readings comprised of essential or seminal work in the field, as well as general review readings, covering a breadth of topics identified as core content for the subspecialty by the American Board of Preventative Medicine and the American Board of Pathology. The list will additionally include readings on fundamental tools and techniques that form the backbone of a large body of informatics projects. The trainee will be expected to complete these readings independently on his or her own schedule and should be prepared to discuss content with faculty members and fellows. 

The trainee will be expected to present a journal club session to an audience of faculty and informatics professionals. The article discussed will be chosen by the trainee at the beginning of the rotation, with approval of the program director or assigned mentor. The article should be a recent work published in a reputable, peer-reviewed informatics journal, and should be accessible to a general informatics audience. The presentation should follow a standard journal club format, with focus on critique and implications of the work presented. The trainee is encouraged to solicit input from faculty members prior to presentation. 

The trainee will select one of two written assignments to complete based on past experience. Trainees with past technical experience should select the mock project proposal, while those without should select the student exercises to be provided.

 Mock project proposal

At the end of the rotation, the trainee will be expected to complete a brief project proposal (no more than one page) that outlines a potential future project in any area of clinical informatics. This proposal should demonstrate that the trainee has gained an understanding of current informatics needs and gaps, as well as tools and techniques available to address those gaps. This proposal should also serve to help the trainee investigate an area of particular interest to him or her and might be based on an observation/experience during the rotation. The proposal should include the following sections:

  •  Statement of problem or opportunity: brief explanation of the need this proposal will address

  • Significance: discussion of how addressing this need might affect patient care, in terms of impact on effectiveness or efficiency of care provide

  • Proposed project or research questions: how your proposed project might address the problem describe

  • General approach: brief discussion of methods you might use to complete this project

The program director (or assigned mentor) will meet with the trainee weekly to review progress. At the end of the rotation, the trainee will be provided with verbal feedback, as well as a written evaluation which will be completed by the program director (or assigned mentor) based on feedback from faculty mentors, the trainee’s participation in didactic and seminar sessions, and completion of assignments as above. The trainee will also be asked to provide confidential feedback at the end the rotation evaluating the faculty, the clinical informatics curriculum and other educational experiences, including didactics.