Authorship: In addition to Butovsky and Weiner, Mass General Brigham authors include Wesley Brandao, Zhuoran Yin, Kilian L. Kleemann, Madison Carpenter, Ana Durao, Jen-Li Barry, Caroline Baufeld, Dilansu Guneykaya, Xiaoming Zhang, Neta Rosenzweig, Kristen M. Pitts, Michael Aronchik, Taha Yahya, Tian Cao, Marcelo Kenzo Takahashi, Rajesh Krishnan, Additional authors include Nimansha Jain, Xin Bao, Javier R. Serrano, Eric Tycksen, Alexandra Litvinchuk, Hong Jiang, Hayk Davtyan, Jason D. Ulrich, Mathew Blurton-Jones, Ilya Ilin, and David M. Holtzman.
Disclosures: Butovsky, Ilin, Weiner, Yin, and Brandao are co-inventors on patent no. 17/914,061 (held by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and General Biophysics) for using Xe to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Butovsky is co-founder and is on the scientific advisory board of Glial Therapeutics and GliaX; collaborates
with GSK and Regulus Therapeutics; has research funding from Sanofi, GSK; and consults for/has received honoraria from UCB, Camp4, Ono Pharma USA, General Biophysics. Holtzman co-founded and is on the scientific advisory board of C2N Diagnostics. Holtzman is on the scientific advisory board of Denali, Genentech, and Cajal Neurosciences and consults for Asteroid Therapeutics. Blurton-Jones co-founded and is on the scientific advisory board of NovoGlia Inc. Ilin is the founder and CEO of General Biophysics LLC.
Funding: This study was funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) (STTR R41AG073059, R01 AG051812 R01 AG054672, R01 NS088137 R01 AG075509, RF1 NS090934, P30 AG066519, U19 AG06970101); Cure Alzheimer Fund; Massachusetts Center for Alzheimer Therapeutic Science (MassCATS); BrightFocus Foundation 2020A016806; Alzheimer’s Association research fellowship AARF-21-846786; National Multiple
Sclerosis Society FG-2108-38372; Department of Defense W81XWH-22-1-0945
Paper cited: Brandao W, et al. “Inhaled Xenon modulates microglia and ameliorates disease in mouse models of amyloidosis and tauopathy.” Science Translational Medicine, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.adk3690
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