Five companies reviewed the proposed contract and while some dropped out, others were willing to consider a new way of working with Mass General Brigham. The vendor-partner Mass General Brigham eventually selected went a step further than they needed to, demonstrating their commitment by adding a dedicated manager who will focus exclusively on supporting Mass General Brigham without any additional cost to the system. “They wanted to partner with us and they’re confident that this new position will bring value to them as well,” Pitts said.
Facing significant challenges, the Sustain elevator team used our leverage as a system and a willingness to engage potential vendors as a partner in patient care to reach a creative solution for the benefit of our patients and caregivers.
“We were looking to lower costs and improve service at a time when labor rates are increasing and costs for supplies and repair parts are as well,” Player said. “Ed and the team really had to be innovative to achieve savings while ensuring a high level of service. Normally, those two things don’t happen at the same time.”
Mass General Brigham’s Sustain Elevator Team: Justin Ferbert, Newton-Wellesley Hospital; Robert Gallagher, Massachusetts General Hospital; Sean Gouvin, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Edward Pitts, Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital; Geoffrey Thomas, Salem Hospital; Mike Wayburn, Mass General Brigham